pondělí 20. září 2010

Ville Kansanen

Ville Kansanen describes his own art as a a kind of seepage of ideas that never manifest themselves in relation to social or personal interaction. Perhaps in general it is a very honest conversation with myself about many puzzling and painful things that I'd rather not utter verbally but am relieved to put into imagery.

What is your biggest success in your PRIVATE life and ART life? 

My biggest success in my private life is finding my wife, Alexandria, who keeps me whole, loved and sane. In my art life my greatest success is being true to myself even if it hasn't always yielded desired results. 

Is there something weird, mad or secret about you? What makes you different from others? 

We are all unique flowers. I don't know... I think I have rigid code of morale in making art which veers more into engineering than creating, that a lot of other artists don't possess.

What do you do as the first thing in the morning? 

Hear a wonderful random story of what I've mumbled in my sleep just minutes before, for instance
singing: "Every morning when I wake up - and I put on my make up" - which is strange because I don't wear make up. 

What is the best and the worst song in your iPod (mp3 player)? 

It goes in cycles! But right now the best is 'I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire' by The Inkspots and the worst is 'The Cellar' by Nick Cave & Warren Ellis (that song makes me antsy as hell, it's from The Road OST) 

Lot of people ask what would you change if you could, but I am insterested in the opposite. What would you NEVER change in your life? 

My marriage. 

What makes you HAPPY and what makes you ANGRY? 

When I find that short relaxed moment of not worrying or thinking about anything makes me very happy. Disloyalty and pettiness makes me angry. 

What superpower would you have and why? 

Temporary self-cloning: I'd have ample assistants whenever I needed them and rigorous debates on topics we all agree on. 

What is the most beautiful thing you have ever witnessed? 

Mono Lake, California, on a winter's morning. 

What’s your scariest experience? 


Name something you love, and why. 

I love the photography of Charles van Schaick because it is all created by an unassuming genius. 

Name something you don’t love, and why. 

There's too many things to mention... I am big on complaining. Right now, I have qualms with valet parking, I think that I drive my car well enough to park it myself - and I'll do it for free. They can show me the vacant parking spot and stay the hell away from my steering wheel. I'll tip them for that. 

If you could pick any place, anywhere, where would you like to wake up tomorrow and why? 

I'd like to wake up 20 years from now, wherever that is, just so I could have a little bit of a distinguished gray tint in my beard. 

What are you looking for now in your life? 

The next thing to get excited about.

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